In reading Hebrews 7 in The Second Testament, there was a word which stood out to me. In verse 24, we read:
but because he remains unto the Era he has a priesthood inviolably.
The NLT reads “But because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever.”
Naturally I was interested in the use of inviolably vs. forever. So I looked up the definitions.
According to Merriam-Webster, forever means “for a limitless time; at all times.” So, forever is never ending, everlasting, continuing without time constraints, and always. Then we have inviolable, which means “secure from violation or profanation; secure from assault or trespass.” Secure, unable to be violated or trespassed upon.
My first thought when I see the word “inviolable” was of a fortress. A walled city à la Jericho. Surrounded by heaven’s army to keep out the enemy.
But then I started thinking about the nature of Jesus. The Jesus of 2 Peter 3:9, of whom it is said, “but [the Lord] is patient for you, not wanting some to be destroyed, but for all to find space for conversion.” And the Jesus of Matthew 11:18, who said, “Come to me - all the laboring and loaded - and I will [provide] rest [for] you.” Or how about the description of the kingdom, the New Jerusalem, depicted in Revelation 21. Although it is a walled city, it has 12 gates - three on every side - and they are all always open.
You know why Jesus’s kingdom is unable to be trespassed upon?
Because it is open to everyone. Yes, you must come in through a gate (no wall scaling!) but He doesn’t turn anyone away who truly wishes to take refuge there. You know why it can’t be violated or profaned? Because Revelation 21:27 tells us “anything common and one doing detestable acts and a falsehood will never enter into her.” You know why it will never be assaulted? Because the enemy is already defeated! Jesus has already conquered Satan and Death! In the manner of Melchizedek, He is our King of Peace and Priest of God Most High (Genesis 14:18, Hebrews 7:1). He will be our King and Priest in perpetuity (Hebrews 7:3; See also Isaiah 9:6-7).
As our High Priest, He could, pardon the pun, gate-keep and keep us from having direct access to God, just as in under the old law (which was weak and useless - Hebrews 7:18) the high priest was the only one allowed to approach the Most Holy Place. Instead, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place (as we will get to in chapter 10). There is no trespassing because we have been invited in!
The kingdom we are now a part of, the kingdom Jesus established, is forever and inviolable. He invites you to be a part of it, gates open wide, so that you, too, can enter into the Most Holy Place and have a relationship with Him and the Father.